Thursday, 1 July 2010


Sunday the 27th was eventful.  Mum came over so was initiated into the hive inspection routine and did really well too.  Thanks mum x

Our Buckfast bees (Harmony 1) have gone mad, we opened up the hive and couldnt believe how full it was, there is a brood box and a half which has been filled by larvae and eggs with a little honey too and not a lot of room for movement.  We have ended up adding a super (for honey stores) so you never know, we may even get a harvest from our girls this summer. 

The Carni's (Harmony 2) are also doing well, they have moved outwards, filling the brood box, eaten all of the sugar syrup so we have added a super because it wont be long before they catch up to the Buckfast bees.  Apparently they build up their colony much quicker than other bees. 

My OH is no longer a virgin!  he was laying on the grass next to one of the hives, (he does this most nights) just watching them.  Anyway he must have laid on one, the next thing you know there is a sting in his leg.  That'll teach him for not wearing long trousers lol!!!  As soon as I have time I will put some pics on, there is a great one of a young bee hatching out.  ttfn x

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