Saturday 12 February 2011

New Year, New beginnings

Its been a while so I thought I'd update.

Our 1st winter was the coldest I remember in this country.  Jan is now a distant memory and we are in mid Feb.  The sun is out and so are our girls. 

The Buckfasts mouse guard was removed today because there were so many dead bees in the hive that the workers couldnt remove.  All day they have been busy clearing up and to our suprise "forraging"! 

The catkins, snowdrops and primula are bursting open giving the girls their first taste of pollen.  I cant believe the difference in the colours.

We have invested in some 14 x 12 brood boxes to make checking easier.  Now only 10 frames to check in each as apose to 20 with a brood and 1/2.   All have been cleaned and painted a lovely shade of green.